1 min read

Tying Executive Roles to Growing Profits & Value

If you're creating a strategic plan, you need to assign primary accountability for getting things done across the Senior leadership Team (SLT). In Growth-Drive's '3 Dimensions of Business Growth™' methodology there are clearly defined Growth-Driving Objectives. As the rule says: if more than one person is accountable for an objective, no one is. So how do you assign primary accountability for individual objectives across the SLT? Here's how. 

Hey. If you're the architect or the GC of the strategic plan, this is how you hold feet to fire. This a big deal. 

AND if you're a Fractional CxO, listen up: this video points a laser at your role, what you bring to the party, why you should be hired, and the ROI for getting it done. WOW. 

Imagine using the scores and ROI we cover in this video drive real change. Powerful, right? You bet it is. There's nothing like this out there. Check it out:


If you'd like a copy of this deck, simply click here.

Thanks all, and Happy Independence Day, -George

There are a lot of great tools out there. Growth-Drive turbo-charges your use of EOS(r), ValueBuilder(r), BizEquity(r), Capitaliz(r) and more. Names and marks are the properties of their respective owners. Growth-Drive shows you the rocks that will deliver growing profits and value: we make profits & value actionable.   If you're using one of these tools and want to see how we might help, book a call

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