Are Wealth Advisors Relevant to Business Growth?
That’s a pretty provocative headline, right? And it’s a real question: Is a wealth advisor relevant to business growth? Our answer? Absolutely... ...
A slew of terrific conversations with your colleagues spurred this quick screen share. Here's why they're excited, and it's infectious.
Why are they excited? They're excited because the CLARITY™ Strategic Capacity Analysis is helping them win engagements and create killer client interactions -not to mention game changing deliverables.
So being the share bear that I am, here is your quick overview of CLARITY in action. And please accept my apology in advance for getting a little salesy at the end.
If you have a few minutes, it might be worth your while to check this out:
That's it. This on the heals of an incredibly valuable training last week - Fearless Business Advisor: Skills for Delivering Extraordinary Client Results. It's all about the skills for leading profound conversations 1-1 and 1-Many - and scored an average of 90 which is a home run for an online immersive workshop.
Kids, we are getting deep into planning the Nov 6-7-8 Growth-Drive Summit. Early Registration is open, the hotel is standing by (we're back at the Riverside in Fort Lauderdale), and it will be as fun as it will be valuable - we promise. So ciao for now, much more to come.
We'd love to know what you think, please comment below or email
That’s a pretty provocative headline, right? And it’s a real question: Is a wealth advisor relevant to business growth? Our answer? Absolutely... ...
Are You a Business Advisor? The 5 Levels of Business Advisory and Your Ideal Role in Driving Strategic Growth If you work with business owners as a...
Unleashing the Power of Strategic Intent for Business Growth As business advisors, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of strategy and...