3 min read

Be the EOS Implementer's Boss

EOS Implementers have a great reputation, which they deserve. They are the right pros for introducing your clients to the concept of a business operating system. They’re also great at coaching CEOs on holding effective meetings. But a system and meetings won't get the job done, right? There's not enough there there.

EOS Implementer

How do we know? Well, first former EOS advocates are now Growth-Drivers.  And if you're familiar with that system you know that most Implementers don't have the knowledge and tools to grow profits and value. Since high transferable value is the ultimate measure of business success, they're a one-legged runner in a two-legged race. To grow profits and transferable value, your client needs you.

One more thing. EOS focuses on the CEO and their team. Experienced business advisors know that having an Effective Senior Leadership Team is just one of the OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) on which they’ll need to focus to move the business from their status quo to their strategic destination. What about increasing strategic capacity in the rest of the business? Maybe bringing in an EOS Implementer is a great idea, but while you may need the EOS Implementer as a cog in your advisory engine, you should be their boss. 

You are helping your client design strategy. And you understand how to increase Strategic Capacity to drive growing profits and value. You make the purposeful link between profits and equity value. You are peer to the CEO, supporting them in their fundamental role maximizing shareholder value. And if you're not yet, you might consider learning the why/what/how of acting in this critical role. This is what Growth-Drivers do when they deploy powerful analysis, flash reports, planning and the execution leadership system. 

The starting point for every engagement is understanding 2 data points: (1) the value that shareholders expect the business to deliver (lifestyle equity value), and (2) gaining total clarity about what the client needs to do to with their business to get the success they want. Let's get into this in detail.

Identifying target value is simple math, made easier using something like the Lifestyle and Equity Value Planning tool2. What we’re really identifying is the equity value the business needs to deliver to fund your client’s target post-career lifestyle. Here’s a graphic that captures the full picture.

Growth-Drive Conversation Pyramid

Growth-Drivers use graphics like this to win successful long-term engagements. 

The next requirement is gaining clarity about what your client's business needs to deliver the success they want. This is where the CLARITY Strategic Capacity Analysis is super effective. Most business owners cannot save enough to fund their post-career target lifestyle. You can help them convert their business into a vehicle that will get them there. You will create clarity by delivering an analysis of the business, identifying the strengths to be leveraged on this journey, while also identifying the operational weaknesses which are bottlenecks to growth and transferable value. Bottom line, you need a tool that’s easy to use and easy for your client to understand. SaaS tools like CLARITY deliver.

Sounds complicated and expensive, right?

It's not, especially when you consider the value of winning a single engagement. Getting the training, tools and support you need is a small fraction of the first year value of an engagement. Your only question is "What will adding +2 new services do for my advisory business?" Is it worth a little time and money? You bet it is. 

If this sounds like TGTBT, it’s not. Senior Professionals who participate in the Growth-Drive Launch Course are getting 3 critical tools (there’s one in late April, online, super convenient):

  1. Free unlimited trial use of the CLARITY Strategic Capacity Analysis, including the Lifestyle & Equity Value Planner - run as many business analyses as you’d like
  2. The Growth-Drive Playbook which includes scads of resources including the script for the Growth Conversation, Templates, and guidance from giants like Traction, Scaling Up, Million Dollar Consulting and more
  3. Use of the 3 Dimensions of Business Growth methodology for leading clients to predictable profits, growth and equity value
  4. Access to Growth-Drive's online community of senior pros - it's fun, a great resource, and we promise to help you stop solving problems alone

OK you got me: that's 4. Think of it as out baker's dozen. You're welcome. 

If you want to take your advisory business to the next level and expand your reach and relevance, perhaps you should consider becoming a member of this fast-growing community of senior pros. It’s your playbook for building a thriving advisory business by delivering client wins. Interested? Here’s where you can get the details

And oh BTW, we've even made a lightning snapshot video of the entire system, from biz dev to templates to execution leadership, with a proven record of helping you win and execute new engagements. 

Have questions? Want to learn more? Post below or shoot us a note on sales@growth-drive.com. We're glad to help. 

[1] Here's a great article comparing EOS and Scaling Up. Step back and consider what role you want to play - through the Growth-Drive program you begin a journey to being your client CEO's peer and Trusted Advisor.  Link to article.

[2] With special thanks to Growth Specialist Greg Maddox CBEC for his generous help developing the Lifestyle & Equity Value Planning analysis. Thanks also to Growth-Driver Joseph Frasko CFP CEPA CVGA and Growth Specialist Steve Duke CBI API CM&AP.  

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